We will have qualifier shooting contestsin the fall and spring, usually in conjunction with a high school rodeo. If your rodeo committee is interested in helping with this please contact James Harriman. Email: james_harriman@yahoo.com Cell: (605) 393-7819
TO ENTER A CONTEST, please visit the Entering a Rodeo page and click on "Click here to Enter a Rodeo"
Upcoming Shooting Contests:
West Fargo's Rodeo in Valley City Friday, April 25, 2025. Safety check begins at 1:30 pm safety check; shooting begins at 2:00 pm CST.
Williston High School Rodeo, Friday, May 9, 2025, ______ CST
Be sure to review each of the above rodeo's information sheet, found on the schedule page of this website.
Each year our Final Shooting Contest is held Wednesday afternoon during the State Finals Rodeo in Bowman, ND (June 11, 2025).
The Board of Directors extends a huge thank you to James Harriman for coordinating all shooting events for the Association.
Please review the National High School Rodeo Association Shooting Sports Rule/ Guidelines. 2025 NHSRA Shooting Sports Guide Rule Changes and the Shooting DRESS CODE.
In 2024, the NHSRA added these two rules:
National High School Rodeo Light Rifle Rules
Rule #: 3.17 Eye Protection- All competitors and other personnel in the immediate vicinity of the range complex must wear eye protection devices. Must show the ANSI Z87.1 (and/or the equivalent standard for all countries involved) safety rating for eye protection devices.
National High School Rodeo Trapshooting Rules
Rule #: 3.4 Eye Protection- All competitors and other personnel in the immediate vicinity of the range complex must wear eye protection devices. Must show the ANSI Z87.1 (and/or the equivalent standard for all countries involved) safety rating for eye protection devices.
If you have questions, please reach out to:
James Harriman
Shooting Program Director