Clinics & Schools

Rodeo Clinics and Schools

2024 Events and Rodeo Schools

REINED COW HORSE CLINIC - May 20-21, 2024 

Clinicians are Ben Balow and John Hovde. Please research Ben on Facebook or the Internet. He has a very admirable list of accomplishments in the show ring as a competitor, judge , and as a clinician. Do not miss this opportunity to ride and learn from Ben as he is one of the best! Ben will help you with the reining portion. As well as learning to perfect the parts of a pattern, you will learn how to plan and execute the plan.

John will help you with the cow work emphasizing position, speed control, and reading cattle as well as dealing with other problems.

The cost will be $200/day. There may be a small cattle charge depending on a sponsorship. The fee will include a noon lunch on both days and supper on the 20th. Please bring your beverages and whatever food you may need as well as a living quarters if possible. Stalling will be available at $10/horse. This is a limited number of participants clinic. A $200 deposit is required to hold a spot. Spots can be sold. Deposit will be refunded if clinic is cancelled for any reason. Please call or text John at 701-770-4051. 



Sperry Ranch in Trotters, ND.

Click here for more information Breakaway, Tie Down, Goat Tying


American Rodeo Contender - Open Bulldogging and Open Breakaway 

Click here for more information The Renegade Doggin' & Ropin" Event


THE NATIONAL CUTTING HORSE ASSOCIATION will be hosting another Cutting Clinic in Rock Springs, Wyoming on Saturday, July 13, 2024.